Indoor blinds are a great addition to any home, and are easier to install and use than most of their counterparts such as curtains. But which type do you choose? After all, there are so many options you can go stir crazy just looking at them all. Knowing the pros and cons of the most popular variants can help provide insight into why they are more popular and if they suit your lifestyle. Here is a brief look at the pros and cons of the material of the three most popular types of indoor blinds: wood, fabric, and plastic.

Wooden Indoor Blinds

Wooden indoor blinds come in many different styles, from venetian to roman, and generally have a higher quality of craftsmanship than most of their counterparts. This means that they often last longer, and with less maintenance, than some of the more finicky types of blinds, or those with less durable material. However, they also do require regular cleaning to remain free from dust, and they can be a little heavy for older Australians. Still, most cannot deny that the natural beauty of wood makes them a tough choice to go past, and that is why they remain so beloved across Australia.

Fabric Blinds

There are many options when it comes to fabric blinds, from soft, cotton-like material to scratchier, more heavy-duty fabric used in commercial properties. Fabric is lighter, and easier to work than wood blinds, and it also defuses light in a different way, often allowing a little bit in but not so much that it becomes distracting. Of course, this allowance of a certain amount of light into the room can be viewed as a negative by those wanting total blackout from their blinds, but many do appreciate the little bit of light that comes in. Fabric blinds are sometimes difficult to clean, but very aesthetically pleasing.

Plastic Blinds

Plastic blinds also have a big difference in variety, from acrylic to polyurethane and so on. These are generally seen as the most budget-friendly blinds, but that does not mean poor quality. Many plastic blinds hold up better in the long term than the above two categories because of how strong the plastic is. They can also be more heavily customised, from the colour to the shape and everything else. Be warned, they can bleach more easily in the sun if you go for the mega-budget option, but generally plastic indoor blinds are a fantastic option for those trying to save some money. 
